Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Indole, Urea, Nitrate, Methyl Red, Citrate, TSA (TBA)

Indolde Test: Positive
This indicates that our bacteria can turn amino acid tryptophan into indole and pyruvic acid.
Positive is indicated by a pretty red band at the tops! :)
Urea Test: Negative
This indicates there is no degradation of urea.
No change in color shows this. The one on the left was our inoculated tube and the one on the right is an uninoculated tube.

Nitrate Test: Positive
Determine if the bacteria can reduce the nitrate to nitrate ions or nitrate gas. Presence of dark red color indicates nitrate ions present.

Methyl Red Test: 
Part A: Positive
Part B: Negative
A: Determines the ability to ferment glucose via mixed acid fermentation
This was positive because because the color turned red. 

B: Determines if there is butane diol fermentation:
This was negative as indicated because there was no change in color. We did not take a picture... because you should be able to use your imagination by now. JUST KIDDING!!!

Citrate test: Negative
Determine the ability of the bacteria to digest citrate. Our color stayed green indicating a negative test result.

TSA (TBA): Negative
Aka Oxidase test:
Yellow color indicates no presence of Cytochrole Oxidase

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