Today, sadly was our last lab, but we went out with a bang! We did a virus test to see if our "student" tested positive or negative for the presence of a pathogen. The first three cups, have plus signs on them, they are our "fail safe" that is so we can make sure that we will have a positive reaction (letting us know that everything works). The middle ones (with the "-" sign) those are the negative results. Now what we had to do was test two "students" to see if they were negative or positive. Student number 15 or (FN) tested negative. Student 32 tested positive. The "positive" is indicated by the blue color, and the negative is indicated by no color change at all.
The second experiment we did was a meat purity experiment. We took a agar and injected it with dye (red, green), barium chloride and potassium sulfate. The next slot we injected with Bovine albumin, Goat Anti-horse albumin, Goat Anti-bovine Albumin, Goat Anti-swine Albumin. The last one we injected with Hamburger Extract, Goat Anti-Horse Albumin, Goat Anti-bovine Albumin, Goat Anti-swine Albumin. Now what these were supposed to do is if you put them into a meat they were "anti" or against, then there would form an arch between the two "fighting." However, our materials were old and that is why we suspect that ours didn't work. Here is a picture of it none the less. You can see in the colored one, the black portion between the colors is what the rest should have looked like had they been working.
-JTA and ART
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