Sunday, September 15, 2013

Gram Staining

Goal: Gram staining for the purpose of determining gram negative/gram positive bacteria.

  In class today we learned how to gram stain bacteria. This similar to the simple stain, but with several extra steps of the same nature. This time after putting on the crystal violet stain we had to wash it off after only 20 seconds and put on some gram iodine.

Afterwards we rinsed the gram iodine off and applied drops of decolorizing agent until the blue stopped running. 

      After this we applied a second stain, safranin, and let that sit for one minute. We rinsed off the excess stain and prepared a slide for viewing. On viewing the slide our bacteria seemed to have a lot of clearly defined spores, and Dr. P told us that we had blown our bacteria up due to heating it up too much. Whoops! Sorry lil' bacteria! 
      This was the final result after doing everything correctly. We came to the conclusion that our cell wall was gram negative, because of the pink color. Had it been gram positive the bacteria would have been completely blue. 


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